Now I know homeschooling isn't for everyone, but EVERYONE has an opinion.
My opinion is I want my children to be home, safe, learning, and their moral compass set before we branch out and bombard them with the outside world.
Now this isn't to say I shield them, we do go to Taekwondo 3 times a week, and attend church when we can with my crazy work schedule and strongly encouraged our oldest to go to summer camp.
We did pre-school at home, and unit studies during the medical adventures with the baby, but this is going to be full on 100% invested school time scheduled out.
Big sister is going to be 6 and is SO excited she can hardly contain herself. As I prepare school supplies and she sees her books and the equipment she is READY!
Our days are going to be unique because with my works schedule I will be getting home from work at 8:45am and laying down for a nap after breakfast with the kid...
Dad is going to do a Minecraft math/science/worksheet lessen or watch Magic school bus/sid the science kid/documentary with them while I sleep,..
Around 2pm I will get up and do the formal portion of the day using the Abeka kindergarten program for the big sister and easy peasy all in one homeschool for the middle sister.
This schedule is going to run from Monday to Wednesday(adding Taekwondo on wed, nights),
Thursdays are Therapy days for the middle and little in the morning with Teakwondo in the afternoon
Fridays are Taekwondo in the afternoon and we will do a field trip or Home economics type day along with the formal schooling for the oldest and middle sisters...
This seems crazy and jumbled but we are excited :-)
We are ready for our kids to jump into more learning and hopefully get the emotional health of our oldest back to what it used to be. Her anxiety has skyrocketed since her brother was hospitalized and so anytime you mention her going somewhere without us she freaks out and is inconsolable for hours afterwards. Every child deserves to be heard and she wants to learn, but specifically said she wants to do it at to those who don't agree with this approach she's our kid not those who understand and are supportive,
Thank you.
School officially starts September 5th, 2016 for Team Needles!
Curriculum came in the mail..."it was like Christmas presents..." said by the big sister :-)